As a mission-driven nonprofit dedicated to driving social change through evidence and innovation, we know that diversity, equity, and inclusion must be at the centre of everything we do at Blueprint. We strive to embed DEI in all aspects of our work—within our culture, policies, and partnerships. We continue to work towards a Blueprint where our values and commitment to DEI guide our efforts both internally and externally, empowering our team, partners, and the communities we serve.
Our commitment to our partners and community
- As an organization and team, we are committed to: Contextualizing our work within the structures that perpetuate inequity and understanding how they contribute to the social challenges that we are aiming to address. This includes recognizing the legacies of data and research causing harm and perpetuating biases in communities that we work with.
- Holding ourselves accountable to the communities and partners with whom we work and striving to foster reciprocal relationships and open dialogue.
- Tailoring our work to the needs and realities of our partners and the individuals they serve by actively listening, questioning our assumptions and biases, and demonstrating humility.
- Embedding trauma-informed and equity-driven approaches and seeking to meaningfully engage community voice in the design and implementation of our work, where appropriate.
- Adhering to the highest standards of research ethics and data security and creating opportunities for our team to enhance their understanding through training (e.g., Gender-Based Analysis Plus, OCAP, trauma-informed research practice).
DEI leadership at Blueprint
Blueprint has two bodies who are formally tasked with leading DEI initiatives. The DEI Committee was established in 2022 as an employee-led group dedicated to fostering an environment where all voices are heard, valued, and empowered. The Committee plays a crucial role in driving initiatives and cultivating daily practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion across Blueprint.
Blueprint’s DEI Governance Council was established in 2023 as a group of leaders and key stakeholders who provide strategic oversight and ensure DEI principles are consistently applied 2 across all levels of the organization and in all our work. Together, the DEI Committee and the Governance Council work to formally embed DEI into Blueprint’s operational and strategic decisions.
Key initiatives overseen by the DEI Committee and DEI Governance Council include:
- Annual DEI Survey: Understanding and improving staff experiences related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Comprehensive DEI Training: Equipping staff and leadership with the knowledge and skills to create a more inclusive work environment and embed DEI in our work with partners and community.
- DEI Accountability Framework: Setting Objectives & Key Results (OKRs) to ensure progress is measurable and transparent to all employees